A Brief History

Since our inception in 2004, Burelle Rentools has been providing more than 15 years of exceptional customer service and expert tool advice to both our loyal and new customers.

Our mandate is to earn the trust and respect of our customers every day in order to ensure that the customer makes the proper decision on the choice of our products and services to facilitate the successful completion of your projects.

At Burelle Rentools you will experience a friendly and welcoming environment that will help you select the proper tools and equipment for your job or project.

Our goal is to provide the best services to all customers and contractors.

Mission Statement

  • To continually expand our knowledge on tools and perfect our skills;
  • To keep the customer’s best interest in mind;
  • To work collaboratively with our customers to provide the best recommendations;
  • To listen to our customers so as to understand their needs and respond quickly and professionally;
  • To provide exceptional customer service.